Good English em Ubá - MG
Sobre Good English
De This English course is about more than learning vocabulary and memorizing phrases. It is a rare opportunity to learn about the culture that surrounds the language in your favorite films, songs and stories. A teacher who was born and raised in the United States has the capacity to hear and correct all the subtle things that make the difference between fluency and sounding like someone who is just repeating incorrectly what they thought they heard.
Good English em Ubá - MG.
Good English atua no ramo de Escola, horário de funcionamento Segunda a Sábado.
Localizado na Rua Pedro Botaro, 240 - San Rafael 2, Ubá - MG, 36507-202.
Telefone de contato (32) 99950-8836.
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Endereço Good English
Rua Pedro Botaro, 240 - San Rafael 2, Ubá - MG, 36507-202 · Ver distância
Horário Good English
Abre às 13h00Próximos feriados
Sexta-feira Santa, dia 18 abril
Dia 18 abril, Sexta-Feira, Sexta-feira Santa (feriado nacional)
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